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API Documentation / pinia / mapGetters

Function: mapGetters()

Alias for mapState(). You should use mapState() instead.


use mapState() instead.

mapGetters(useStore, keyMapper)

mapGetters<Id, S, G, A, KeyMapper>(useStore, keyMapper): _MapStateObjectReturn<Id, S, G, A, KeyMapper>

Allows using state and getters from one store without using the composition API (setup()) by generating an object to be spread in the computed field of a component. The values of the object are the state properties/getters while the keys are the names of the resulting computed properties. Optionally, you can also pass a custom function that will receive the store as its first argument. Note that while it has access to the component instance via this, it won't be typed.

Type Parameters

Id extends string

S extends StateTree

G extends _GettersTree<S> | object


KeyMapper extends Record<string, keyof S | keyof G | (store) => any>


useStore: StoreDefinition<Id, S, G, A>

store to map from

keyMapper: KeyMapper

object of state properties or getters


_MapStateObjectReturn<Id, S, G, A, KeyMapper>


use mapState() instead.


export default {
  computed: {
    // other computed properties
    // useCounterStore has a state property named `count` and a getter `double`
    ...mapState(useCounterStore, {
      n: 'count',
      triple: store => store.n * 3,
      // note we can't use an arrow function if we want to use `this`
      custom(store) {
        return this.someComponentValue + store.n
      doubleN: 'double'

  created() {
    this.n // 2
    this.doubleN // 4

mapGetters(useStore, keys)

mapGetters<Id, S, G, A, Keys>(useStore, keys): _MapStateReturn<S, G, Keys>

Allows using state and getters from one store without using the composition API (setup()) by generating an object to be spread in the computed field of a component.

Type Parameters

Id extends string

S extends StateTree

G extends _GettersTree<S> | object


Keys extends string | number | symbol


useStore: StoreDefinition<Id, S, G, A>

store to map from

keys: readonly Keys[]

array of state properties or getters


_MapStateReturn<S, G, Keys>


use mapState() instead.


export default {
  computed: {
    // other computed properties
    ...mapState(useCounterStore, ['count', 'double'])

  created() {
    this.count // 2
    this.double // 4

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